Smart Home App
My Role

Create a Smart Home mobile app to control smart devices such as lights, thermostat, camera, doors and much more. Client was an energy company in the southern United States that provides electricity service to its 9 million customers.
The main challenge was to create a user-friendly smart home mobile app that will be used by people within different age ranges and technical capabilities.
Creating Personas
During the first day of the workshop we focused on the goals of their customers and created personas based on a card sorting exercise. The personas then provided us information to create a more robust customer journey map.

Competitive Analysis
On the second day of the workshop we conducted a competitive analysis on 5 well-known Smart Home applications. As part of the analysis we looked at strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in the market.

Creating Journey Map
On the 3rd day of the workshop we created a Journey map along with the client. As for the base we used a very first user flow of the app - “Install a Device”. That approach helped us to define a pain points of the user and analyze how long it will take to accomplish the goal.

Home Dashboard

Integrated Chatbot
The chatbot functionality allows for easy and natural language based communication with the automation platform. The user can do simple tasks like asking for a scene of lights to turn or the coffee maker to start.

About Screen
Even though it is better if the system can be used without documentation, it is necessary to provide help and documentation.

Detailed explanation of each navigation element to make it easier for any type of user to get acquainted with the app.