Expense Management Web Tool
My Role
Denteva is an existing web platform that allows dentists and their assistants to make purchases for their offices. The purpose of the project was to rebuild the entire application and improve the user experience, remove complexity, add an approval feature, and make the purchasing experience smarter and easier.
Design for consumers, specifically dental assistants and office managers, rather than professional buyers hence, it was crucial for the UI to be very simple. Define a new IA preserving the foundation of the previous investigation made by the client.
Expert Review & User Interviews
After reviewing a 30-page Product Description document, I conducted an Expert Review exercise to identify usability problems in the user interface. Additionally, I conducted several interviews with current users to learn more about their goals and main pain points.
Informational Architecture
Expert Review exercise and interviews with user became a great foundation for creating a new IA.
Product Search
Based on the HE exercise and info that was received on interviews I have proposed the new look and feel & UX of the platform. I proposed a new enhances search experience which also allowed to have a cart on the same page.
Prototype for Product Search and Adding Items to Basket
Consolidated Filter
The new layout of the 'Filter' view makes it easier to navigate between filter sections, thanks to its more compact design.
Orders View
I made it easier for the user to preview all the orders within the app and added more functionality for the Detailed View of the order.
Order Approval
Now instead of printing and signing, requests could be reviewed and approved via the platform.
Staff Management Tool
One of the challenges here was to come up with a solution how to add a user to multiple locations and assign a different roles.
Iconography & Branding
When Visual Design was established, I started to work on the Branding guidelines along with another designer.
Here are the following items that were delivered for the client:
- Ability of the vendor to upload CSV and XML files with the products directly to the web app. This allows them to represent their products faster within the system.
- Added a Dashboard view which allows users to analyze an ongoing process at a glance.
- Added user friendly payment system (billing and invoicing features).
- User invites within the app, etc.
Also, the first part of the project that I have been working on helped the Client to raise money to continue product development.
I finished the project in early 2018 and it has already been released to the market. Since then, the product has undergone a slight rebranding, changing its name from Denteva to Method. However, the core features that I designed are still intact.
You can review their product here here.