Car dashboard


Momentum Design Lab

My Role

UX/UI Designer




Client - The largest Japanese automobile manufacturer. My role was as a UX/UI Designer, and I worked with two other UX/UI Designers on that project. Our task was to redesign 27 flows of the existing Infotainment system. The goal was to demonstrate to the client that the new product concept would enhance their customers' experience. This meant that we were supposed to conduct user testing at the end of the project.


Since we were supposed to create a new concept for their infotainment system, looking 5 years into the future, we should take into consideration that our design concept will still be "in trend" at that time. Additionally, it is important to follow the guidelines set by the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Time constraints - 8 weeks.

Current Flow of the Client’s HMI

After the kick-off meeting with the client, the next step was to conduct an Expert Review.

To do this, we printed out the existing system in order to review the flows, navigation, and understand the main issues and areas on which we should focus.

Competitive Analysis

I was responsible for conducting a competitive analysis of 27 flows with 3 main competitors. Additionally, Apple Car and Android Car were included in this exercise.

Mapping Out all 27 Flows

Based on the findings from the Competitive Analysis exercise, we conducted a Card Sorting exercise to brainstorm new ideas and establish a baseline for the Information Architecture (IA).

Digitizing IA

The card sorting exercise helped us create a solid Information Architecture, which was finalized after receiving feedback from the client.

The Principal Designer and I split the work on the IA.

Nav Patterns

In that project, we skipped the hi-fi wireframing part due to time constraints. Instead, we focused on setting up the patterns and interface structure.

We tested different navigation frameworks against the existing infotainment system to reduce the number of tabs needed to perform the most important tasks.


Home Screen

The home screen is a contextual screen that changes its cards based on the time of day and the user's location.

Navigation Screen

The user can see the summary of their routes, which will help them make better decisions. The route summary includes the distance and time to the destination, the fuel gauge upon route completion, and any possible obstacles on the given route.

"Find Contact" Flow

A flexible screen layout allows the user to see the list alongside the expanded contact view, which reduces the number of clicks dramatically.

User Testing

We conducted user testing with 10 people for both the existing and new Infotainment systems. Captured all relevant metrics from the test, including time and emotions, and analyzed the results. Presented the client with the user satisfaction ratings for both the current and new Infotainment systems.
